SC telecon 09/03/2019

Meeting of LiteBIRD European Steering Committee — 03/09/2019 @ 12:00 on zoom


  1. Plans for Meetings:
    +Hands-on European Meeting in Santander 30/09 -> 02/10: draft agenda awaited
    + ESA Meeting of Oct 14. See mail fwd by Ludo. Clarify attendance
    + E-CMB meeting in Paris: talk(s) on LB, or possibly touching LB 
    + Others?
  2. Status of costing exercise throughout countries
  3. New SC members: Finnish proposal from E. Keihanen (see email fwd by Paolo). 
  4. Updates on IMO (including Maurizio’s role), DM and JSG activities
  5. Public page to advertise LB on European site.
  6. AOB


Present: Paolo Natoli (chair), Francesco Piacentini, Enrique Martinez Gonzalez, Jon Gudmundsson, Ludovic Montier, Radek Stompor

Apologies: Erminia Calabrese, Eiichiro Komatsu

Notes taken by FP, reviewed by PN


1. Action EMG: prepare a small text for logistic. Meeting structure:Monday Start at 10:30 with plenary. Parallel afternoon Tuesday: Parallel Wednesday: Plenary in the morning. No need of mac address: eduroam+20 accounts for the rest of people Action on Ludo: Draft an agenda on google sheet Splinter: we can suggest splinters but we need to put responsible people for the organization. Paolo with Giordano’s help opens the page on litebird-europe, with registration. Ludo then sends the announcement

ESA meeting on Oct. 14. Email from A, Stankov. Costing: is not upfront in the email. Ludo: discussion with Stankov. She mentioned they have an estimate of the total envelope: typically 25 Meuro. We will probably learn more at the meeting. She asked to prepare the work with all LB collaboration, including costing. We need to present a proposal of the task sharing. Ludo has a cost estimate from CNES, but they do not want to share it at the moment. This might change soon. Two figures:

  • Full cost of MHFT
  • Cost for CNES
We will know what JAXA will ask ESA. First estimate (we have some details from Masashi, Tadayasu) Esa meeting Attendance:  Not well defined yet. 
Need technical people in the afternoon. 
Representative from EU members (SC) + more technical people. 
Ludo proposes Baptiste to attend
(In CDF it was 15/20 people)
HWP: mechanism -> Paolo dB; ESA wants to be sure someone is taking care of that. 
AIT AIV Calibration people. Identified as a weak point at the CDF: Sophie and Marco
Nicola, if interested. As ASI point of contact. 
Electronics: under Canadian responsibility, with contribution from INFN. Not discussed at the CDF, Giovanni was attending more discussion then. We can consider him as a participant. Also responsible for DPU costing exercise.
DPU: not clear if ASI what to fund it. Better if we discuss internally first. 
Pisano: filters, optics, HWP
Experts: Bapriste, Paolo dB, Nicola, Sophie and Marco, (Giovanni)
A representative of the SC: 
We should have a splinter in Santander for the preparation of the ESA meeting. 
Ludo to ask A. Stankov, if someone from Jaxa or Masashi is needed. 
E-CMB meeting in Paris. Ludo to talk in Paris.  He will share slides. 
Paolo will talk on european simulation facilities. Mention Litebird network. In touch with Matthieu (telecon tonight)

No other meeting to discuss.

2. Costing exercise.

Italy: HWP mechanism: by beginning of October Calibration: news next week from Marco. DPU: available

France: No access to CNES estimates yet.
CNES review on Oct/7 (internal).
Ludo on CNES cost cup:
New negotiation in phase-A. The cost cap may change. Ludo feels that the CNES budget can rise if the situation is positive.
UK: Cardiff cost??? Very important for ESA meeting, Typically 50% of that will be on ESA.
Same for Germany. No updates from Eiichiiro. Paolo to send a reminder to ask for some details.
Sweden: see if calibration/testing is still an option. Or see if there is some other potential contribution.  Original proposal: Cryostat to test the entire optics tube. To test optical properties.  ESA is building a 4K facility for RF measurements. In October meeting attendees visit their facility.

3. Finnish proposal: Radek: not clear if this is a FInnish participation. It seems more a personal participation. They can be involved as individuals.  Ask whether there is a plan beyond the fate of the ERC to try to drag a national contribution, with cost contribution from some national institution. LUDO: Belgian people (CSL). Lot of facilities freely available fi the scientific community is involved. Ludo originally proposed to organize a meeting by september. Need to organize a meeting with them. A scientific meeting. Ludo has a list of people. 6 people interested.  The meeting will consist of a seminar to present the program, and discussion. 

4. No updated on Data Management. and JSG. IMO group very active during Summer.  On Maurizio’s role, Ludo agrees that is important to include Marizio is the activity management. Ludo to talk to Sophie V0 is delivered and Maurizio was not part of that. 

5. Public page on EU site

Draft from Italy:

Everyone to take a look. OK to upload on site, but password protected for now
To be completed and reviewed, also by JAXA



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