Minutes of the SC telecon – 15th of May 2018

Revision for “Minutes of the SC telecon – 15th of May 2018” created on May 15, 2018 @ 16:05:06

Minutes of the SC telecon – 15th of May 2018
The SC telecon has been held today, the 15<sup>th</sup> of May 2018. To the telecon participated: <ol> <li>Erminia Calabrese</li> <li>Paolo de Bernardis</li> <li>Jian-Rong Gao</li> <li>Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez</li> <li>Ludovic Montier</li> <li>Nicola Vittorio</li> <li>Ingunn Kathrine Wehus</li> </ol> while: <ul> <li>Eiichiro Komatsu</li> <li>Giampalo Pisano</li> <li>Radek Stompor</li> </ul> were absent. To the telecon participated also Ian Walker. <ol> <li><strong>Communications</strong> <ul> <li>ESA F-mission: the 16th and 17th of May there will be an SPC meeting in Madrid to discuss the ESA science program. Among other things, it seems ESA prepared a white paper for a fast mission with a JAXA partnership. It is a mission with a strong technological interest aim to TNO's exploration.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>CDF Study update</strong> <ul> <li>Ludovic Montier gave an update of the CDF study. Minutes of the previuos meetings were circulated with the Agenda of this telecon. Next CDF meeting will be on May the 24th.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Boulder F2F meeting</strong> <ul> <li>A preliminar draft on the goal of the Boulder meeting has been circulated by Masashi Hazumi. We agreed to share this document with a specific google doc where the SC members can contribute to the various items. This would be important to list up possible talks from Europe.</li> <li>In the preliminar draft two documents are mentioned: the Collaboration Policy and the Science Outcome documents. We agreed that Ludovic Montier will contact Masashi Hazumi to provide names of people that already volunteered for contributing to the Collaboration Policy document. Ludovic Montier will also contact Masashi Hazumi, Martin Bucher and Eiichiro Komatsu to have news on the status of Science Outcome document, which will be provided to JAXA at the end of Phase A1.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Outcome of the Munich meeting</strong> <ul> <li>It was overall very successful, really an hackaton meeting. A living google doc document was created at the beginning of the meeting, which is now continuously updated. Regular common telecons of the JSGs on Foregrounds and Systematics have been organised by Erminia Calabrese after Munich. The next telecon will be held on May the 17th.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Nobu’s list: external collaborators only</strong> <ul> <li>Nobu's list has been updated to include external collaborators only. The last compilation available on the web still has some missing names, in particular from Spain as mentioned by Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez. We agree to check the list in the next few days to be sure that it will be complete.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Critical issues</strong> <ul> <li>Ludovic Montier identified as critical issues in the CDF study the rotating HWP and the sub-K cooler. Paolo de Bernardis added another possible issue, namely the evaluation cost of HFT from ESA. Ludovic Montier will investigate this issue during the next CDF meeting at ESTEC.</li> <li>There is the need of organising the work between the completion of the CDF study and the end of Phase A1. Masashi Hazumi presented in Munich a possible (and quite tight) schedule. Ian Walker and Ludovic Montier will share this schedule to properly organise the writing of the documents.</li> </ul> </li> </ol>

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