Minutes of the SC telecon – 4th of September 2018

Revision for “Minutes of the SC telecon – 4th of September 2018” created on September 6, 2018 @ 10:09:49

Minutes of the SC telecon – 4th of September 2018
The SC telecon has been held today, the 4<sup>th</sup> of September 2018 Present: Erminia Calabrese; Paolo de Bernardis;Eiichiro Komatsu; Ludovic Montier; Giampaolo Pisano; Radek Stompor; Nicola Vittorio. Apologies: Jian-Rong Gao; Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez; Ingunn Kathrine Wehus. Invited: Baptiste Mot; Masashi Hazumi. <em>1. Phase-A1 Exit Review</em> Following his email, Masashi Hazumi presented the dates for the Phase-A1 Exit Review, which has to be ended by December 2018. A Kick-Off meeting for the review is tentatively fixed for the week of October 29, but it could be anticipated depending on the reviewers availability. Therefore, all the documents should be ready by September 30. <em>2. Descope options and next hands-on meeting on HFT</em> It has been discussed the opportunity to have an hands-on meeting on HFT from 8 to 10 October, to be held in Toulouse, with the goal of discussing descope options for HFT. It has been agreed to proceed in the organization of this hackaton meeting and in announcing it as soon as possible. This is an action item for Ludovic Montier. Masashi presented the descope options discussed at the last F2F meeting in Japan. The descope plan must satisfy both the condition sigma(r)&lt;2x10<sup>-3</sup> and the JAXA cost cap. Since it seems that ESA cannot commit to provide the HFT with a PMU, option b) foresees that the PMU provided by JAXA, but with the cost paid by Europe. There has been a discussion exploring the possibility that the PMU can be provided by the Consortium, with a possible support by National Agencies. This is a question to be asked to both JAXA and ESA. It has been agreed that Masashi will ask Toru to investigate with Fabio Favata if this possibility is acceptable to ESA. For completeness, the idea at the moment is to not prioritize option c), HFT without PMU, and to have more time to study option e), a single LiteBIRD telescope. <em>3. Global telecon on September 12<sup>th</sup></em> To prepare a discussion on this item, Giampaolo Pisano will start again telecons on the HFT design. It is important to define a baseline, also for finalizing the focal plane configuration. <em>4. ESA/CDF report</em> Ludovic Montier reported that the complete draft of the Final ESA/CDF Report will be circulated in three weeks from now. Although there is not an official deadline for the delivery of the document, it is extremely important to be able to use it for the JAXA Phase-A1 Exit Review, as well as for the National Agencies.

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September 6, 2018 @ 10:09:49 wp_2381204
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September 6, 2018 @ 09:53:18 wp_2381204